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The Revolution That Wasn't GameStop, Reddit, and the Fleecing of Small Investors【電子書籍】[ Spencer Jakab ]


<p><strong>"The saga of GameStop and other meme stocks is revealed with the skill of a thrilling whodunit. Jakab writes with an anti-Midas touch. If he touched gold, he would bring it to life." --Burton G. Malkiel, author of <em>A Random Walk Down Wall Street</em></strong></p> <p><strong>From Wall Street Journal columnist Spencer Jakab, the real story of the GameStop squeezeーand the surprising winners of a rigged game.</strong></p> <p>During one crazy week in January 2021, a motley crew of retail traders on Reddit’s r/wallstreetbets forum had seemingly done the impossibleーthey had brought some of the biggest, richest players on Wall Street to their knees. Their weapon was GameStop, a failing retailer whose shares briefly became the most-traded security on the planet and the subject of intense media coverage.</p> <p><em><strong>The Revolution That Wasn’t</strong></em> is the riveting story of how the meme stock squeeze unfolded, and of the real architects (and winners) of the GameStop rally. Drawing on his years as a stock analyst at a major bank, Jakab exposes technological and financial innovations such as Robinhood’s habit-forming smartphone app as ploys to get our dollars within the larger story of evolving social and economic pressures. The surprising truth? What appeared to be a watershed momentーa revolution that stripped the ultra-powerful hedge funds of their market influence, placing power back in the hands of everyday investorsーonly tilted the odds further in the house’s favor.</p> <p>Online brokerages love to talk about empowerment and “democratizing finance” while profiting from the mistakes and volatility created by novice investors. In this nuanced analysis, Jakab shines a light on the often-misunderstood profit motives and financial mechanisms to show how this so-called revolution is, on balance, a bonanza for Wall Street. But, Jakab argues, there really is a way for ordinary investors to beat the pros: by refusing to play their game.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。



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不存在的金融革命:他們?這是?民的勝利,華爾街卻坐著數錢數到手軟 The Revolution that Wasn't:GameStop, Reddit, and the Fleecing of Small Investors【電子書籍】[ 史賓塞.雅各 (Spencer Jakab) ]


<p><strong>★全面分析Z世代投資者樣貌與迷因股軋空狂潮!</strong></p> <p><strong>★「本書扣人心弦地敘述了一場席捲投資界的社會運動。事件中的英雄以為自己是在對抗壓迫,實際上卻被壓迫者利用了。」──史考特.蓋洛威,《疫後大未來》作者</strong></p> <p><strong>★《漫?華爾街》作者|柏頓.墨基爾、《致富心態》作者|摩根.豪瑟、《安隆風暴》作者|貝芬?.麥克連等強力推薦</strong></p> <p>在迷因股瘋狂軋空的那一周,</p> <p>散?成了金融體系中的頂級掠食者,「聰明資金」淪為獵物。</p> <p>但他們真的掀起了一場革命??</p> <p>二〇二一年一月一個瘋狂的星期裡,Reddit「華爾街賭場」(r/wallstreetbets)論壇上的一支散?雜牌軍,熱愛使用迷因梗圖,以智障、墮落者互稱,他們似乎完成了不可能的任務──打敗了華爾街最大、最有錢的一些玩家。</p> <p>他們的武器是GameStop,一家瀕臨破?的遊戲零售商。</p> <p>幾天之?,GameStop成為世界上交易量最大的證券,</p> <p>相比幾個月前,價?上漲了 20,000%以上。</p> <p>這場瘋狂的迷因股軋空連帶引發了其他迷因股的飆漲,如因為大疫來襲而零收入的AMC影院、?品已經不合時宜的黒莓……等等。</p> <p>媒體密集報導這場「大衛與歌利亞之戰」,這次和過去不一樣,與散?站在對立面的華爾街大型對沖基金損失了數十億美元,有些甚至會倒閉;而在Reddit上化名DeepFuckingValue的人成為了英雄,他以五萬美元的本金,獲利超過上千萬美元。</p> <p>股票市場似乎正在掀起一場新的金融革命,將改變華爾街的遊戲規則。迷因股軋空似乎創造了一個分水嶺,讓權力重新回到普通的散?投資人身上。</p> <p>但如果?,這場瘋狂結束之後,並未成就一場革命??</p> <p>記者寫下?史的初稿,而多數人只記得這個初稿,</p> <p>不知道塵埃落定之後更細緻和知情的版本。</p> <p>《華爾街日報》專欄作家史賓塞.雅各在《不存在的金融革命》中,將告訴我們這場迷因股軋空如何發生,並解釋了羅賓漢的免?金交易應用程式等金融創新科技,與社群媒體演算法是如何使其成為可能;以及GameStop股價暴漲的真正創造者(和贏家)是什麼人的真實故事。</p> <p>這究竟是投資最好的時代,還是華爾街最佳的廣告?雅各以他精闢的分析為我們闡明常有人誤解的獲利動機和金融機制,?明了為什麼這場所謂的革命實際上是華爾街樂見的喜事。不過,雅各告訴我們,一般投資人確實有?法打敗專業人士,那就是拒?玩他們的遊戲。</p> <p>《不存在的金融革命》一書不只講述了二〇二一年最傳奇的金融奇聞「GME軋空事件」,它某種程度上促使華爾街變得更好;也分析了Z世代股民的全新面貌,並在投資人想要透過下一波迷因股大賺一筆之前,給予最古老卻也最受用的忠告。</p> <p><strong>好評推薦</strong></p> <p>M觀點創?人|Miula</p> <p>《用心於不交易》作者|林茂昌</p> <p>《疫後大未來》作者|史考特.蓋洛威(Scott Galloway)</p> <p>《安隆風暴》作者|貝芬?.麥克連(Bethany McLean)</p> <p>《漫?華爾街》作者|柏頓.墨基爾(Burton G. Malkiel)</p> <p>Reddit子版「華爾街賭場」創始人|海梅.洛高真斯基(Jaime Rogozinski)</p> <p>《?民的提早退休計畫》作者|梅爾.林道爾(Mel Lindauer)</p> <p>《致富心態》作者|摩根.豪瑟(Morgan Housel)</p> <p>《指數基金誕生故事》作者|羅賓.魏吾絲(Robin Wigglesworth)</p> <p><strong>各界盛讚</strong></p> <p>「敘事扣人心弦……買賣股票的人,『投資』於任何新舊事物的人,都應該看這本書。」──《洛杉磯時報》</p> <p>「結合了金融調?與有用的投資策略,一本?的書架會迫不及待擁抱的好書。」──《柯克斯書評》</p> <p>「史賓塞.雅各以節奏明快的散文講述了他的原創觀點,我們認證這是一本令人愛不釋手的好書。」──《出版者周刊》</p> <p>「《華爾街日報》專欄作家史賓塞.雅各理清了這個複雜的金融故事的線索。其敘事明快全面,涵蓋使動盪得以發生的金融和媒體的結構變化……故事講得巧妙。如果正如雅各先生所言,?史的初稿並不完全正確,那麼他的第二稿已經糾正了錯誤。」──《經濟學人》雜誌</p> <p>「本書是對市場──和人們──如何違逆預測和偶爾失去理智的重要觀察。」──摩根.豪瑟(Morgan Housel),暢銷書《致富心態》(The Psychology of Money)的作者</p> <p>「本書討喜地?明了『免費』和遊戲化的交易方式如何促成了瘋狂的股市活動,並對被誘惑加入狂歡的散?投資人面臨的危險提出了一些嚴肅的警告。GameStop和其他迷因股的傳奇故事,在這本書中以?美一流推理小?的技巧??道來。作者的文筆有一種反米達斯奇效:如果他觸?到?金,?金會變成有生命的東西。」──柏頓.墨基爾(Burton G. Malkiel),《漫?華爾街》(A Random Walk Down Wall Street)的作者</p> <p>「自從二〇二一年初GameStop事件成為頭條新聞以來,我們都在等待最完整可靠的敘事。史賓塞.雅各這本書滿足了我們的需要。無論?認為自己有多了解華爾街,這本書都會使?驚訝、憤怒,並且得到教育。」──貝芬?.麥克連(Bethany McLean),暢銷書《安隆風暴》(The Smartest Guys in the Room)和《魔鬼全在這裡》(All the Devils Are Here)的合著者</p> <p>「本書扣人心弦地敘述了二〇二〇年席捲投資界的社會運動。事件中的英雄以為自己是在對抗壓迫,實際上卻被壓迫者利用了。故事講得親切幽默,使外行的讀者也能理解金融概念。?會看得津津有味。」──史考特.蓋洛威(Scott Galloway),紐約大學史登商學院行銷學教授、紐約時報暢銷書《四騎士主宰的未來》(The Four)和《疫後大未來》(Post Corona)的作者</p> <p>「長期和短期因素的?撞引發了二〇二一年?所矚目的『迷因股狂熱』,如果?想明白發生了什麼事,史賓塞.雅各這本書是引人入勝的必讀之作。坊間流傳Reddit的大衛戰勝華爾街的歌利亞這種危險的錯誤敘事,雅各巧妙地加以諷刺,並?明了為什麼賭場總是最終贏家。這本重要著作提供了遠比GameStop股市傳奇持久的教訓,?得我們他x地強烈致敬。」──羅賓.魏吾絲(Robin Wigglesworth),《指數基金誕生故事》(Trillions)的作者</p> <p>「GameStop軋空的真實故事。雅各發揮細緻的洞察力,為我們?明了?一個重要轉折,使我們得以看清眼下的散?革命正經?的變化。」──海梅.洛高真斯基(Jaime Rogozinski),Reddit子版「華爾街賭場」創始人</p> <p>「這是一本及時且極其重要的著作。史賓塞.雅各是一流的媒體工作者,對金融業瞭若指掌。我極力推薦這本書。」──羅賓.鮑威爾(Robin Powell),媒體人、部落格「循證投資人」(The Evidence-Based Investor)的作者?編輯</p> <p>「本書就像一部偉大的推理小?,巧妙地將GameStop傳奇不同階段的故事編織起來。這是一本迷人的著作!」──梅爾.林道爾(Mel Lindauer),《?民的提早退休計畫》(The Bogleheads’ Guide to Investing)和《?民的退休規劃指南》(The Bogleheads’ Guide to Retirement Planning)的合著者</p> <p>「大疫時代最離奇的金融故事令人無法釋手的事後總結,也?明了投資如何被遊戲化。雅各與關鍵人物對話,突顯結構問題,利用?無主義的『墮落者』術語,講述了許多寶貴的軼事。他穿越敘事迷宮,告訴我們GameStop軋空期間真正發生的事。」──吉安.沃爾皮塞利(Gian M. Volpicelli),《連線雜誌》(Wired)高級撰稿人</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。



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Dumb Money: The Gamestop Short Squeeze and the Ragtag Group of Amateur Traders That Brought Wall Str DUMB MONEY M/TV [ Ben Mezrich ]


DUMB MONEY M/TV Ben Mezrich GRAND CENTRAL PUBL2023 Paperback English ISBN:9781538759103 洋書 Business & SelfーCulture(ビジネス) Business & Economics



評価: 0

軋空風暴:GameStop散?起義如何逆襲華爾街,掀起史詩級金融震盪 The Antisocial Network: The GameStop Short Squeeze and the Ragtag Group of Amateur Traders That Brought Wall Street to Its Knees【電子書籍】


<p>散?VS.華爾街最瘋狂的對決!</p> <p>伊隆?馬斯克、麥可?貝瑞參戰,</p> <p>比電影更精彩的第一手訪談紀實</p> <p>◆亞馬遜書店分類榜暢銷書</p> <p>◆《紐約郵報》年度必讀</p> <p>一家面臨低谷的遊戲零售商,</p> <p>為何能?掀起散?起義的滔天巨浪,讓華爾街慘賠200億?</p> <p>從一場史詩級的金融風暴,看見社群網路令人生畏的隱形勢力,</p> <p>如何引發難以逆料的股市震盪與體制變革!</p> <p>「市場能保持非理性的時間,比?能維持不破?的時間更久。」</p> <p>──經濟學家凱因斯(John Maynard Keynes)</p> <p>這不只是轉瞬即逝的華爾街風暴,</p> <p>更預示了未來的市場隨著金融普及、社群動員等潛在因子的交互作用,</p> <p>越來越可能在頃刻之間,讓?的投資衝破天際──或化為烏有。</p> <p>2021年,一家衰退的實體遊戲零售商──遊戲驛站(GameStop),</p> <p>股價曾低至20美元,</p> <p>卻因為華爾街巨頭梅爾文資本(Melvin Capital)做空其140%的股?,</p> <p>引發集結在社群平台Reddit的散?群情激憤,</p> <p>群起買進導致股價一度飆漲92.71%,</p> <p>引爆一場史詩級的「軋空風暴」,</p> <p>曾經呼風喚雨的歌利亞,在轉瞬之間慘賠200億。</p> <p>「軋空」(short squeeze),一種不常見的金融現象,</p> <p>但一旦發生,就會引爆極其可觀的股市震盪。</p> <p>起因來自,當投資人認為某家公司陷入危機、股價高估,</p> <p>就可以「借入」股?並賣出,等到股價如同預期下跌時,</p> <p>再以較低的價格買回,歸還給借出股?者,藉此賺取價差。</p> <p>如果股價不跌反升??結果就是賣空者會賠到??子,</p> <p>因為他必須用更高的代價買回股?──</p> <p>而這正是這場金融聖戰中,散?最想看到的戰果!</p> <p>本書以精彩刺激的筆法,重現當時參與事件的所有角色──</p> <p>包括華爾街對沖基金巨頭:梅爾文資本、S.A.C.資本等;</p> <p>呼風喚雨的億萬富翁馬斯克(Elon Musk)、馬克.庫班(Mark Cuban)、麥可.貝瑞(Michael Burry)等;</p> <p>網路券商羅賓漢(Robinhood),</p> <p>以及?多因為不同因素參與號召的散?,</p> <p>他們不是看似瘋狂無知的烏合之?,而是和?我一樣有血有?有夢想。</p> <p>了解一場必然在股市史上留下印記的指標事件,</p> <p>洞悉左右一場動盪可能的潛在因素,</p> <p>認清股市非理性的各種作用力,</p> <p>讓我們更能看清金融界的整體面貌。</p> <p>這可能不是大衛與歌利亞的真正決鬥,</p> <p>但?對是對金融巨頭最激烈的一次反攻!</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。



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Always Learning Lessons on Leveling Up, from GameStop to Laura Mercier and Beyond【電子書籍】[ Gary Kusin ]


<p><strong>Unlock a wealth of business and career wisdom from a bootstrap entrepreneur whose insatiable appetite for learning led him to the heights of success.</strong></p> <p>Before Gary Kusin cofounded GameStop and Laura Mercier Cosmetics-and before he became CEO of failing Kinko's, turned it around, and spearheaded its sale to FedEx for $2.4 billion-he was a fiercely independent boy from Texarkana, Texas, who refused to accept the status quo. Kusin's curious spirit led him on a career and life journey that was full of unexpected turns, from his days working at his father's furniture warehouse at eleven years old to the department-store job where he once hid in the basement for a weekend organizing swimwear to meet a deadline.</p> <p>In <em>Always Learning</em>, Kusin takes readers on an enlightening journey through the corridors ofbusiness, leadership, and personal growth. From introspective childhood moments to cofounding global brands and steering companies toward unprecedented success,Kusin's narrative is a master class in evolution. Dive deep into the mind of a mentor,entrepreneur, CEO, and turnaround artist as he shares pivotal moments, invaluable lessons, and the essence of his leadership principles.</p> <p>This book isn't just a chronicle of Kusin's illustrious career, it's a beacon for anyone seeking to navigate the complex world of business and personal development. Whether you're an aspiring entrepreneur,a seasoned CEO, or someone looking for mentorship insights, Kusin's tales of triumph, challenge, and transformation will inspire, guide, and resonate. Embark on this captivating odyssey and discover the essence of evolution in business and life.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。



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The Dumb Money The GameStop Short Squeeze and the Ragtag Group of Amateur Traders That Brought Wall Street to Its Knees (Previously Published as The Antisocial Network)【電子書籍】[ Ben Mezrich ]


<p><strong>Named a Best Book of the Year by New York Post!</strong></p> <p><strong>From the author of the book that became the iconic The Social Network movie, here is the definitive take on one of the wildest stories ever--the David-vs.-Goliath GameStop short squeeze, a tale of fortunes won and lost overnight, marking an unforgettable event in financial history.</strong></p> <p>Bestselling author Ben Mezrich offers a gripping, beat-by-beat account of how a loosely affiliate group of private investors and internet trolls on a subreddit called WallStreetBets took down one of the biggest hedge funds on Wall Street, firing the first shot in a revolution that threatens to upend the establishment.</p> <p>It’s the story of financial titans like Gabe Plotkin of hedge fund Melvin Capital, one of the most respected and staid funds on the Street, billionaires like Elon Musk, Steve Cohen, Mark Cuban, Robinhood co-CEOs Vlad Tenev and Baiju Bhatt, and Ken Griffin of Citadel Securities. Over the course of four incredible days, each in their own way must reckon with a formidable force they barely understand, let alone saw coming: everyday men and women on WallStreetBets like nurse Kim Campbell, college student Jeremy Poe, and the enigmatic Keith “RoaringKitty” Gill, whose unfiltered livestream videos captivated a new generation of stock market enthusiasts.</p> <p>The unlikely focus of the battle: GameStop, a flailing brick-and-mortar dinosaur catering to teenagers and outsiders that had somehow held on as the world rapidly moved online. At first, WallStreetBets was a jokeーa meme-filled, freewheeling place to share shoot-the-moon investment tips, laugh about big losses, and post diamond hand emojis. Until some members noticed an opportunity in GameStopーand rode a rocket ship to tens of millions of dollars in earnings overnight.</p> <p>In thrilling, pulse-pounding prose, THE ANTISOCIAL NETWORK offers a fascinating, never-before-seen glimpse at the outsize personalities, dizzying swings, corporate drama, and underestimated American heroes and heroines who captivated the nation during one of the most volatile weeks in financial history. It’s the amazing story of what just happenedーand where we go from here.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。



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Power to the Players The GameStop Phenomenon and Why It's Only Getting Started【電子書籍】[ Rob Smat ]


<p>The sea shanties, YOLO's, and red bandanas aren't even half of the GameStop story.</p> <p>Did you know Robinhood didn't initiate their infamous trading halt?</p> <p>Did you know why Redditors refer to 2021 as the "sneeze" rather than the squeeze?</p> <p>Did you know that shares in your brokerage account might be counterfeits?</p> <p>If not, buckle up.</p> <p>Witness firsthand the real and utterly ludicrous hivemind that brought Wall Street to its knees in January 2021, and find out why GameStop was only the beginning of an even more unprecedented retail contagion, one which will challenge everything you think you know about our markets (all over again).</p> <p>If the meme mania of 2021 drew blood from Wall Street, what follows is the Shakespearean realization that Reddit's blade was in fact poisoned.</p> <p>In a digital world of frequently deleted, revised, and buried information, accurately piecing together events as they occurred is nearly impossible. Other authors and journalists have understandably struggled, but not author Rob Smat, who has been a witness to every part of the GameStop phenomenon, having lived it himself.</p> <p><em>Power to the Players</em> is as much an unabridged history of the GameStop "sneeze" as it is a roadmap of how retail traders regrouped in the months and years that followed, when everyone else thought the story had ended in calamity.</p> <p>The truest of <em>diamond hands</em> never sold, and their power has only grown stronger since.</p> <p>Before, Redditors were only a nuisance to the status quo. Now, they are inevitable.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。



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Power to the Players: The Gamestop Phenomenon and Why It's Only Getting Started POWER TO THE PLAYERS [ Rob Smat ]


POWER TO THE PLAYERS Rob Smat GAUDIUM PUBLISHING2023 Hardcover English ISBN:9781592113156 洋書 Social Science(社会科学) Social Science



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The Antisocial Network: The Gamestop Short Squeeze and the Ragtag Group of Amateur Traders That Brou ANTISOCIAL NETWORK [ Ben Mezrich ]


ANTISOCIAL NETWORK Ben Mezrich GRAND CENTRAL PUBL2022 Paperback English ISBN:9781538707579 洋書 Business & SelfーCulture(ビジネス) Business & Economics



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The Everything Card Games Book A Complete Guide to Over 50 Games to Please Any Crowd【電子書籍】[ Nikki Katz ]


<p>If you find yourself coming down with a case of rainy-day boredom or "I can't watch another rerun on TV" syndrome, grab the closest deck of cards and get ready for some serious fun! <em>The Everything Card Games Book</em> is packed with loads of variety to keep you entertained for hours with games you can play solo or with a group of people. Wow your friends and family with your card-shark skills by mastering these basic games - along with a handful of more advanced ones, too! In addition to key rules and instructions for play, <em>The Everything Card Games Book</em> provides tips on shuffling and dealing, essential etiquette, and knowing when to hold and when to fold.<br /> Learn how to play:</p> <ul> <li>Classic games, such as bridge and whist</li> <li>Team games, such as pinochle and spades</li> <li>Variations of games, such as Mexican Stud and Pai Gow Poker</li> <li>Games from abroad, such as Black Maria and Scopone Scientifico</li> <li>Kids' games, such as Go Fish and Memory</li> <li>and more!</li> </ul> <p>The perfect way to get you up to speed on more than fifty popular games, <em>The Everything Card Games Book</em> is your wild card for scoring big. Pull up a seat, gather your friends, and let the games begin!</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。

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