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<p><strong>Why stock-market short-termism is not causing severe damage to the American economy</strong> According to many political leaders, pundits, and corporate lawmakers, stock-market-driven short-termism - when corporations prioritize immediate results in the next quarter over their longer-term interests - is harming the American economy. This view, popular in influential circles, sees short-termism as causing sharply declining research and development (R&D), too many stock buybacks, and severe environmental harm. But the data fits badly with this black-and-white representation of short-termism. Mark J. Roe analyzes the best data on R&D, corporate borrowings and buybacks, and long-term investment trends to show that stock market short-termism is not at the root of these economic problems. The book shows that blaming short-termism overlooks the real causes of declining investment, R&D changes, and environmental deterioration. By pointing to other sources of tension like accelerating technological change, rising political uncertainty, and repeated economic disruptions, <em>Missing the Target</em> argues for a more nuanced understanding of the challenges to the American economy. Roe disproves many of the core claims against short termism. R&D spending, for example, is rising faster than the economy is growing. It's government R&D support that's been falling. Reversing that decline is the best first target for bettering American R&D. <em>Missing the Target</em> deepens the discussion of the American economy by analyzing the factors that contribute to current trends and by making a bold but straightforward claim: stock market short-termism is not the problem.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
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アメリカ軍で使用されていた、射撃用ターゲットポスターのデッドストックです。 ※額縁は商品イメージで付属しておりません 独特の雰囲気があるオフホワイトの厚手紙に、ターゲットが表裏に印刷してあります。 ミリタリーアイテムならではの雰囲気があるターゲットポスターは本来エアガンなどの射撃用かもしれませんが、額に入れて飾るとオシャレなインテリアアイテムになります。 W/約44cm×H/約57cm 額縁は商品イメージで付属しておりません 発送時は、丸めて円筒形にて個別発送致します。 デッドストックのため、日焼け・折りしわ・汚れ・多少の破れ等があります 軍の倉庫での品の為、保管状況で日焼けや小さな傷等(使用には問題のない範囲)がある場合がございます 商品画像カラーはPC環境等によっても異なり、現物と異なる場合がございます ご理解・ご了承の上ご注文ください
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<p>1.1 Intermediate strategies for monetary policy The launch of a single European currency in January 1999 has been sparking a heated debate over what strategy the European Central Bank's policy should be based on so as to distribute and maintain monetary stability in Europe. In order to pass the Bundesbank's reputation as a tough inflation fighter on to the European Central Bank there have been strong efforts to make the ECB a close copy of the Bundesbank. It might be surmised that there will be a lot of similarities in its intermediate strategies. Among other indicators, the ECB's policy will be based on the growth rate of a broad monetary aggregate consistent with its definition of price stability. As a key instrument in the new central bank's instruments, REPO operations will constitute the main refinancing source of private banks and, in addition, minimum reserve requirements have been introduced to facilitate the authority's command over the banking sector's liquidity by means of stabilising the demand for central bank money. After having introduced monetary targeting in the 1970s, in the 1980s, the Bank of England and the Fed soon abandoned it again, because of distor tions from financial innovations and currency substitution. But the Bundes bank strongly defended its intermediate strategy of monetary targeting and advocated its implementation in the European System of Central Banks.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
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