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発売日: 2024/2/16輸入盤レーベル: Diggers Factory収録曲: 1.1 Universal Father1.2 Why You So Craven1.3 On Jah Solid Rock1.4 Jah Is the Way1.5 Highway Robbery1.6 Give Thanks and Praise1.7 Whats the Use1.8 Smack Right Jam1.9 Morning Lightコメント:Recorded in 1982 at Tuff Gong studio for vocals, mixed at Channel One by Scientist and Henry "Junjo" Lawes, this 1982 album was reissued only once on vinyl in the USA via RAS Records in 1991.Considered their key album by many, Skelly, Wiss and Apple are accompanied by an exceptional band: the Hi-Times Band, a studio backing band formed by Earl "Chinna" Smith and comprising himself, Anthony Creary, Christopher Meredith, Errol Nelson, Fazal Prendergast, Noel "Scully" Simms, Tony "Asher" Brissett.A "must-have" that we are reissuing today in it's original version, with the tapes re-mastered for greater listening comfort and clarity.Recorded in 1982 at Tuff Gong studio for vocals, mixed at Channel One by Scientist and Henry "Junjo" Lawes, this 1982 album was reissued only once on vinyl in the USA via RAS Records in 1991.Considered their key album by many, Skelly, Wiss and Apple are accompanied by an exceptional band: the Hi-Times Band, a studio backing band formed by Earl "Chinna" Smith and comprising himself, Anthony Creary, Christopher Meredith, Errol Nelson, Fazal Prendergast, Noel "Scully" Simms, Tony "Asher" Brissett.A "must-have" that we are reissuing today in it's original version, with the tapes re-mastered for greater listening comfort and clarity.
評価: 0.0
※お使いのモニター及び環境により商品の色・形状が正しく表示されない場合がございます。 『バイブス上がる曲ヤバない!?』バリアフリーが全国の全世代にレゲエのヤバさを伝えるために作ったミックス『REGGAE SPECIALITY』毎回レゲエ名物を1つピックアップし、そのテーマに沿った曲をMixしていく『バリアのヤバないシリーズ』第9弾は『VIBES上がる歌』。聴けば思わずGUN FINGER 上げながらPOW POW!!と叫んでしまうような曲を65曲詰め込みました。1970年の名曲から2024年最新の曲まで、レゲエに馴染みの薄い人からどっぷりレゲエ好きの人まで、誰もが元気になる最高の1枚になっています。Reggaeを聴けばVIBES上がるんです!!※トラックリストは公開されていません。 ※こちらの商品は発送までに2-3日かかる場合がございます。 ▼サイズ(単位:cm) サイズの測り方 素材
評価: 0.0
ブックオフ 楽天市場店
ボブ・マーリー&ザ・ウェイラーズ販売会社/発売会社:Polygram Records発売年月日:1990/05/31JAN:0042284621021